LIVING NOW: Equanimity | Intention | Legacy | Peace & Grace
Threads of Memory – Fabric of Life
One of the greatest gifts we can share, not only with our current family, but with future generations of our family is the stories of our lives. We learn about our ancestors, we learn about ourselves, we learn about living through storytelling. Take this time to write your stories. They leave a legacy for those we love and those from whom we are separated by time or unwanted circumstance.
Primordial Soup, art quilt, copyright 2000 Diana Bunnell All rights reserved
Writing Your Life & Values for the Next Generation
Ethical Wills
An ethical will, or legacy letter, is a way to share your values, blessings, life’s lessons, hopes and dreams for the future, love, and forgiveness with your family, friends, and community.
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Writing Down the Bones
by Natalie Goldberg
Natalie Goldberg inspires writers and would-be writers to take the leap into writing skillfully and creatively. She offers suggestions, encouragement, and solid advice on many aspects of the writer’s craft. Goldberg sees writing as a practice that helps writers comprehend the value of their lives.
Find the book at your local library or order it online
Old Friend From Far Away
The Practice of Writing Memoir
by Natalie Goldberg
Acc wording to author Natalie Goldberg, to write memoir, we must first know how to remember. Through timed, associative, and meditative exercises, this book guides you to the attentive state of thought in which you discover and open forgotten doors of memory and invites aspiring writers of all levels and encourages them to find their unique voice to tell their stories.
Find the book at your local library or order it online
Declutter & Document
The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning:
How to Free Yourself and Your Family from a Lifetime of Clutter
by Margareta Magnusson
In Sweden there is a kind of decluttering called döstädning, dö meaning “death” and städning meaning “cleaning” -a clearing out unnecessary belongings. The authors radical and joyous method for putting things in order helps families broach sensitive conversations, and makes the process uplifting rather than overwhelming. Margareta introduces an element of fun to a potentially daunting task. Along the way readers get a glimpse into her life in Sweden, and also become more comfortable with the idea of letting go.
Find this book in your local library or order it online
Stuff After Death:
How to Identify, Value and Dispose of Inherited Stuff
by Mary Miler Theobald
Downsizing or clearing out the belongings of a loved one is good for everyone, but it is sometimes a daunting task. The book will help you know the difference between sentimental and intrinsic value, between stuff and junk. Learn how to distinguish real from fake. Learn what to do with collections of fine art, coins, stamps, teddy bears, dolls, books, comic books, and Christmas decorations. Learn the plusses and minuses of hiring appraisers, estate salespeople, move
managers, auctioneers, and professional organizers and more.
Find the book at your local library or order it online
Peace of Mind Planner: Document Where to Find Important Information
About My Belongings, Business Affairs, and Wishes.
from Peter Pauper Press.
A helpful planner to document where your loved ones can locate and handle essential documents and tasks after our death. It includes information such as what to pay, what subscriptions to cancel, handling email and social media
accounts, pets, personal property funeral wishes. etc. Ninety pages in a durable hard-cover with covered spiral binding.
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Internet Address & Password Logbook
A little record book to use now and leave as an essential documentation of important passwords for our family and legal executors of our wills or trusts.
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