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Become an End of Life Explorer ®

One of the largest obstacles caring health professionals face is our own unwillingness to talk about death or to consider the realities of our own dying. We delay and push away discussing the very topics that could help us have the kind of dying experience that we may imagine is there just waiting to embrace us.

The recent high-tech and intensive medical capabilities save lives that would have been lost years ago. Yet, when we are no longer young and healthy, this same technology may agonizingly prolong the natural process of dying, cause us undue suffering, and certainly not let us pass from this life in peace. If we educate ourselves, do some planning and communication of our wishes, our end of life experience may indeed be the peaceful passing that we might imagine for ourselves.

Discover the peace it will bring you to complete this process.


Please know this…

There is no intent to dictate or sway any user of this website toward any particular choice.   The information provided here or found in any other source linked from this site is meant to enhance your knowledge of complex issues. No information gained can substitute for the personal choices you make after discussions with your medical professionals, care providers and loved ones.

Understanding choices and communicating what matters to you is the ideal place to start an ongoing conversation. What matters most to the developer of this website is that you know that there are health providers working in many different capacities who care deeply about your end of life experience and want to work with you, to the best of their abilities, to honor your personal preferences. Help them to help you by engaging in the process of end of life exploration.